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Chainrisk & Dojima Network Partnership Announcement

The partnership announcement highlights the collaboration between Chainrisk, known for building comprehensive economic security solutions for decentralized finance (DeFi), & Dojima Network, an omnichain Layer-1 designed to integrate the diverse Web3 ecosystem. Chainrisk focuses on providing full-stack economic security for DeFi projects, specializing in risk simulation & analysis tools that help protocols test & validate their economic designs under various market conditions. The goal of this partnership is to enhance the security & development of decentralized applications (DApps) across multiple blockchain networks.

Objectives & Scope of the Collaboration

The partnership includes integrating the Dojima Network into Chainrisk's risk & simulation platform. This integration aims to enhance the security & robustness of the protocols operating on the Dojima Chain. Chainrisk provides a sophisticated platform for agent-based simulations. This platform helps in stress testing the economic mechanisms of various protocols, ensuring they can withstand adversarial market conditions.

The simulation platform allows developers to create detailed scenarios to test how their protocols would perform under different market conditions. These simulations help identify potential vulnerabilities & areas for improvement in the protocol's design.

Stress Testing & Simulations

This partnership outlines the development & implementation of a robust & dynamic simulation engine for the Dojima Ecosystem. This simulation engine is designed to provide protocol engineers with a sandboxed environment to create & test simulations, thereby stress-testing their mechanism designs.

  1. Agent-based Scenario-based Simulation Engine: This engine allows for the creation of complex simulations where various agents interact under predefined scenarios. This is crucial for testing the resilience & robustness of protocols.
  2. Built-in Analytics Dashboard: An integrated analytics dashboard provides real-time insights & metrics on the performance of simulations. This helps engineers to quickly identify potential issues & areas for improvement.
  3. Block Explorer Integration: A built-in block explorer facilitates the tracking & visualization of blockchain transactions & activities within the simulation environment.

Development Phases

  1. Feature Finalization: Finalizing all the features of the simulation engine to ensure it meets the diverse needs of the Dojima Ecosystem.
  2. Security Measures Implementation: Implementing stringent security measures to safeguard the simulation engine & the data it processes.
  3. Platform Testing: Conducting thorough testing of the platform with protocols built on Dojima to ensure reliability & effectiveness.
  4. Community Engagement: Engaging with the Dojima community to gather feedback & ensure the simulation engine meets their needs.
  5. Comprehensive Documentation: Preparing detailed documentation to help users understand & effectively utilize the simulation engine.

The integration of the simulation engine across all protocols building on top of the Dojima Network aims to enhance risk coverage & transparency, ultimately contributing to a more secure & robust ecosystem.

Economic Security Pool

The Economic Security Pool is an initiative to launch a risk coverage mechanism specifically for protocols on the Dojima Chain. This pool aims to provide economic security & stability for these protocols.

  1. Risk Coverage: The pool provides coverage for potential economic risks faced by protocols on the Dojima Chain, ensuring they can operate securely & efficiently.
  2. Transparency: The initiative emphasizes transparency to the community, making risk assessments & coverage details publicly available.

Implementation Steps

  1. Monte-Carlo Simulations: Running large-scale Monte-Carlo simulations to provide static parameter recommendations. These simulations help in understanding the potential risks & optimizing the incentives.
  2. Incentive Optimization Strategies: Developing strategies to optimize incentives for participants in the Economic Security Pool, ensuring that the pool remains attractive & effective.

This initiative represents a significant step towards creating a more secure & stable decentralized finance environment.


The proposed Simulation Engine & Economic Security Pool are critical components of the partnership between Chainrisk & Dojima Network. These initiatives aim to enhance the security, robustness, & transparency of protocols within the Dojima Ecosystem, thereby fostering innovation & stability in the decentralized finance space. The vision for the Economic Security Pool includes integrating more protocols, securing their risk parameters, & pushing forward the DeFi Economic Security.

About Dojima Network

Dojima Network is an omnichain Layer-1 blockchain designed to unify the Web3 ecosystem by facilitating seamless interactions between different blockchain networks. It provides developers with tools to easily deploy complex cross-chain applications. The Dojima Chain, compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), simplifies the development process by supporting widely adopted programming languages & tools, thus broadening its accessibility to a larger developer community. Acting as a middle ground, it enables developers to create & deploy applications that operate across various blockchain networks, overcoming traditional barriers of isolated ecosystems.

About Chainrisk

Chainrisk is a comprehensive risk management platform focused on the DeFi sector. It aims to identify & mitigate economic risks associated with DeFi protocols. Chainrisk provides a suite of tools & services designed to stress test DeFi protocols under various market conditions, using agent-based & scenario-based simulations. This helps uncover potential economic exploits & vulnerabilities within these systems before they can be exploited maliciously.

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